Counseling Therapy with Timothy

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New APA Health Advisory for Teens and Screens

The American Psychological Association recently announced new guidance regarding the use of social media by teens. The APA’s Health advisory on social media use in adolescence include 10 evidence based statements regarding the use of social media by teens. The summary of the first statement is, “In other words, the effects of social media likely depend on what teens can do and see online, teens’ preexisting strengths or vulnerabilities, and the contexts in which they grow up.”

What does this mean?

Teens, just like all other human beings of all ages, are not all the same in many, many ways. The effect of social media will not be the same for each teen. What can make a difference?

“The context in which they grow up.” is an understated reality.

  1. Family Support: How much support does the teen have from family? Are parents/guardians involved in the life of the child besides providing a roof over the teens head and food on the table? What are the family values that the teen has learned? Has the teen learned from important family that looks are the most important part of a person? Has a teen learned to accept people for who they are and that people have different abilities, skills, and interests? Is the extended family supportive? A teen who is loved and feels the security and support of the family will not experience social media the same way as a teen who doesn’t have family support.

  2. School Support: Does the school provide a safe and welcoming environment for all students? Are counselors or therapists available for students? Are there student organizations for a large variety of students and interests? Do students feel listened to and supported? Do students feel teachers are approachable? Is there bullying? How is bullying handled?

  3. Friends: As hard as it is to accept as a parent, for most teens friends become somewhat more important to a teenager than their parents. Teens care about their friends, share their hopes and dreams, their frustrations and feelings, and talk through the challenges of life as a teen. Does the teen have good friends that they talk to about life? Does the teen have friends at school or in the faith community or sports or other organizational activities?

  4. Movies