ADHD is real.
Telling someone with ADHD that they should try harder is like telling someone who needs glasses to try harder to see what’s written on the board in the front of the room.
Does any of this sound familiar?
Have you been told or have had thought to yourself that you are lazy, stupid, and underachieving? That’s not true.
Have you been told that you were not living up to your potential and you needed to “try harder”? That’s not true. In fact, I think it was cruel. It’s the equivalent of telling someone who needs glasses to try harder to see and not getting them glasses.
Have you ever been accused of lying when you were not lying. You honestly didn't remember that you had homework or a test. Or…
Have you developed anxiety worrying that you are forgetting something? Anxiety can becoming crippling.
Have you spent a whole day beating yourself up, telling yourself to “just do it”, and becoming incredibly anxious about not working on that project” If you could “just do it” you would do it.
Have you tried to “get organized” by reading some good books and watching some good videos about being organized? Did you of out and buy a label maker and some great organizational products? Did you spend a whole weekend “getting organized”? A few weeks later, you still can’t find your keys, you can’t remember where you put something else, and you think, “I failed again.”
Have you been really good at your job, maybe the best, but within a year you hate your job? Maybe you think your supervisor hates you?
Does any of this sound familiar? Even some of them? ADHD is a neurological diversity issue, not a moral failure or a discipline problem or an indication that you are not good enough. The truth is, no one has adequately explained ADHD, what that means for your daily life, or what options you have.
ADHD is probably not what you (or most people) think.
It’s way more than hyperactive young boys that talk too much and rough house. People of ages, genders, nationalities, education levels, and more have ADHD.
Females are often misdiagnosed
The misunderstandings and stigma of ADHD causes many females to get diagnosed with anxiety or depression as teens and not get the help they need.
Adults have ADHD
Adults have ADHD. You don’t grow out of symptoms. I have worked with 80+ years old who have ADHD. The truth is people who appear to grow out of ADHD have developed strategies to deal with some of the symptoms.
Have you or someone you love been diagnosed with ADHD? Do think you have ADHD? Do you think someone you love has ADHD? Do people tell you that you have ADHD?
If you have been diagnosed with ADHD before, I doubt that anyone explained it to you (or your family) very well. I will explain it clearly and fully including how it affects your relationships.
I can confirm a diagnosis of ADHD or determine if something else is effecting your life.
I can explain what ADHD really is and how it affects your everyday life and relationships.
I can help you develop strategies that will work for you.
We can explore and evaluate all the treatments available. (I cannot prescribe medication, but I can help you decide if medication is an option to consider.)
The first step is done.
You found someone who can answer your questions, listen to your concerns, and give you the information and strategies you need to thrive.
Now, click the Next Step button to complete quick questionnaire to start. The questionnaire is not a commitment, there is no cost. It’s just some information so we can talk.